Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why is the Purest Drinking Water Beneficial to Our Health?

Everyone should have access to clean drinking water. Children, teenagers, parents, middle age people, and the elderly - we all need water to keep our bodies healthy. Did you know your body is made up of more than 70% water? Your brain is more than 75 % water, your blood more than 80%, and the liver more than 96% water.

It takes an amazing amount of the purest drinking water to keep us healthy and active. Every cell in our body is controlled by electrical signals sent through the nervous system. Think of your nerves as a complex system of tiny waterways. If the fluid inside these "tiny waterways" thickens due to dehydration or contaminated by synthetic chemicals the body's vital signs get misrepresented. Experts now believe that distortion may be the root cause of many diseases such as attention deficit disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, and even Alzheimer's disease.

Water Dispenser

Since water plays a major role in the function of the nervous system, we need to be sure we are drinking the purest drinking water we can get. Proper digestion and nutrient absorption depends on a healthy amount of water. In order to get the nutritional value of food and supplements we consume, we need to drink plenty of clean drinking water.

Why is the Purest Drinking Water Beneficial to Our Health?

The quality of drinking water we drink is just as important as the amount. We shouldn't be drinking water with chlorine or synthetic chemicals. Water tainted by these substances has less ability to carry out the toxins in our body. When we subject our kidneys and liver to contaminated water we force these organs to be the filter, which ultimately destroys these two organs. With plenty of the purest drinking water, we allow our bodies to perform all the healing processes that it is naturally capable of.

One way to be sure you are drinking the purest water you can get, is by installing a home water filtration system that filters out all the contaminates in water. Look for a multi-stage filtration system with carbon filtration, ion exchange and sub micron filtration that filters all contaminates out, yet keeps the minerals in so you end up with the purest drinking water.

Remember our bodies are only as healthy as what we put in them, so look for a water purification system today that will give you clean drinking water your body can use for all it's processes.

Why is the Purest Drinking Water Beneficial to Our Health?

Juanita Ruby is passionate about health. She knows our bodies contain 70% water, thus the quality of our water greatly affects our health. Visit her website at to discover which water purification system she trusts for her purest drinking water.

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