Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pet Water Dispensers and Water Fountains

Pet water dispensers and pet fountains fulfill an oft ignored need. Pets, especially cats and dogs, require fresh water and lots of it. Cats happen to be more finicky about their water; they like it fresh. We, as pet owners, have our own obligations to society, and cannot always be present, or even aware, when the pooch or kitty needs a drink. Work, traffic, family (human), unforeseen circumstances.....all these contribute to our absences from home at "water time".

Pet water dispensers are of two general types. Simple, and automated models.
Simple dispensers are composed of two parts. The storage unit, and the dish. If the level recedes below a certain point, water from the storage unit comes down into the dish. Mobile or compact dispensers, composed of a water bottle and a retractable dish, require the pet owner to squeeze water from the bottle into the dish.
Automated dispensers include filters, and a pump activated by low levels. As such when the water level recedes, more is pumped into the dish. Some models constantly circulate and filter the water.

Water Dispenser

Pet water fountains come in two categories. Faucet fountains, and conventional fountains. The faucet fountains are geared towards the outdoors and are attached to a faucet. The mechanical kinds require that the pet nudges a lever for water to flow. This would also require some training. The automated faucet fountains are triggered by motion or proximity sensors. Some models are equipped with filters.
Conventional pet fountains are composed of a storage unit that is refilled by the pet owner, a spout, and a dish. The water is constantly circulated and is constantly flowing out of the fountain or spout into the dish.

Pet Water Dispensers and Water Fountains

The best configuration of water dispenser, is one that filters, aerates and recirculates the water. It has been noted that flowing sources tend to increase water intake by pets.
This combined with the filtration and optimize the health benefits your pet will receive from your water dispenser.

Pet Water Dispensers and Water Fountains

1 comment:

  1. How much if I buy a water fountain for pet? I want to have them because they are drinking any where. Reply me on this comment. Thank you.

    Pet Water Fountain
